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Welcome to Sussex Pregnancy and New Parents Centre! If you think you are pregnant, we offer free, confidential pregnancy tests.  We take drop in appointments or you can contact us to set up an appointment.  You may not know who you can confide in or where you can go for help. You are faced with choices that have no easy answers. We want you to know that you have somewhere to turn, someone who cares.  We are here to answer your questions and help you make informed choices.


The information provided on this website is not intended to diagnose any condition or pregnancy and should not take the place of your medical practitioner. Although PNP provides valuable and credible health and abortion information, this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, legal or counselling advice. We do not provide or assist with arranging abortions, but we are often the first step in your journey of navigating through your pregnancy decisions as well as sexual and reproductive health.


The staff and volunteers here at the Centre are ProGrace and life honouring as you deal with the struggles of an unplanned pregnancy or grief of infant loss, including but not limited to, miscarriages, adoption, and abortion.


Rev. Michelle Carmichael




Rev. Michelle Carmichael (Executive Director & Client Advocate)

Sara Walker (Centre Administrator)​


Karla Farrell Client Advocate 

Samantha Cowper Client Advocate 

Marven King Canvasser

Kharissma Williamson 

Becca Duplessis

Janet Klassen​

Board of Directors:

Lisa Ross (Chair)

Lauretta Doherty (Treasurer)

Jane Keith (Secretary)

Tracy Goddard 

Mary Law 

Janet Klassen 


Roxanne McKnight


The Sussex Pregnancy Care Centre provides compassionate education and support to individuals during pregnancy, early parenthood, post-abortive, infant loss or adoption situations, and sexual health education within the community.


Our desire is to provide a place of support to turn to when:

  • Someone thinks they may be pregnant

  • Someone needs to talk about their situation

  • Someone needs a place to talk about pregnancy related loss.

  • Someone needs baby clothes, diapers, personal care items, etc.

  • Someone wants to learn parenting skills and life skills

  • A new mom desires community with other moms.

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